
This week I finished The Splendid and the Vile . What a book. If you have any interest in WW2 or in Churchill himself, I highly recommend it.

C usages of goto

An article about C programming that I think has more to do with program structure in general link .

Native apps rock

And I agree!

Crazy stories of life in the mountains


Be very careful redirecting http to https

I haven't really spent much time thinking about whether or not it's safe to redirect from HTTP to HTTPS, but apparently there's more to it than I realized. article

Deep work in a remote world

A really great article about the biggest challenge most development shops face today. It isn't AI, it's meetings. article

The EU Wants to Read Your Texts

And while I think they're well intentioned, this is a very dangerous idea. article

What was the point of the copilot button again?

I am so sick of talking about AI. article

The Other Side of AI: low skill work

I am still so sick of talking about AI, but also, the impact on low skilled work isn't something I am seeing many folks talk about. article

Threads Vs Mastodon Vs Bluesky: What is the Social Web?

I am starting to think that everyone should use federated social media and that nobody should be using the traditional platforms. Only because the focus on the technology and making it work for humans rather than for profit means that the users can impact how their software is developed. article

The US Government Bans Kaspersky

Wait, Kapersky was still around? article

Recruiting is getting weird in the AI Era

Because of course it is. article

I am currently in the process of building my own static site generator! You can follow progress on that project here