
I have been reading two books this week. First up, a short book of pithy rules for raising girls: Rules for my newborn daughter . Some of them were fun; some of them were silly. Don't get the ebook. It's more of a coffee table book.

My next serious read is Good Inside . The theme this week in my book reading is trying to get better at parenting and being a husband, so I am starting to try to make a dent in my parenting-realted reading list.

Wordpress vulnerability

Another day, another Wordpress vulnerability... Article

New Git UI

This looks super interesting, but I haven't tried it yet. Link

Git rerere

I had heard of git rerere but hadn't actually used it for anything. Turns out, it's incredibly useful and I'm honestly not sure why it isn't on by default. StackOverflow

HTMX... is what exactly?

I recently discovered HTMX and I am super curious about what a minimal framework it is. Article

Framework 16... has some issues

I have been very excited about this product and I really hope they work out the kinks. article

I am currently in the process of building my own static site generator! You can follow progress on that project here